he GCN-MEPMAGKT gas-actuated concrete nailer is a portable fastener tool for attaching light-duty fixtures to concrete, steel, concrete block (CMU), lightweight concrete over metal deck, and cold-formed steel. As a magazine tool, GCN-MEPMAGKT is ideal for attaching drywall track, furring strips, hat track and angle track using GDP and GDPS collated pins.
GCN-MEPMAGKT offers you the flexibility of having two tools in one convenient package — a magazine tool and a single-shot tool, since the magazine is easily removed without additional assembly tools. As a single-shot tool, the GCN-MEPMAGKT is great for attaching mechanical, electrical and plumbing fixtures with pre-assembled pins/accessories such as washer pins, ceiling clips, tophats and threaded studs. The pre-assembled pins for the single-shot tool use 0.283"-headed fasteners with 0.126"-diameter shanks for stronger fastening performance.
Both the single-shot and magazine tool offer portability without the need for cords or hoses, and are actuated with GFC34 gas fuel cells.